Saturday, 2 November 2013

A trip down memory lane...

Have you ever looked back over your Facebook timeline? I had the opportunity to last night ( read, I was procrastinating sleep) and I realised something. I may not have bought a new car, had a bub, gotten married or done a million-and-one other amazing things that my Facebook friends have done. I may not be the best photographer, or the best cook, or even the best friend, but I have had an amazing couple of years.

I know fb posts usually lean towards the positive end of the emotion spectrum, but it found though my posts a fair share of rants and grumbles. I found pictures of wonderful friends, of magical weddings, and of fantastic once-in-a-lifetime experiences. I was reminded of so many little moments that I had found important enough at the time to document and share with (let's be honest) a bunch of strangers (and a few friends!!).

But the thing that struck me the most (yes, I am aware I started a sentence and paragraph with a conjunction) was the way my time line really did encompass me. I know that seems intuitive (some of you are slapping your heads saying 'duh' right now) but bear with me... the olden days people used to quilt using any scrap of fabric; And the quilt used to take on the history of the one by whom it was created. The green patch in the right corner came from a favourite childhood dress, while the red patch was from little Tommy's overalls, which lost both knees due to the rough and tumble play of a male toddler....well in a voyeuristic way, trawling through my timeline felt a bit like that.

So I guess it shouldn't really surprise me that my Facebook page was so "me" but it did. And you know what else? I like me :-) I like the gumby, triathlete-want-to-be, annoying-wedding-guest-who-insists-on-taking-copious-photos, 10km-running, wildlife-kid-and-flower photographing, tea-addicted, yoga-attempting, crocheting, fringe-sporting me. I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but that's ok.

I encourage you all to take a trip down memory lane and have a look through your timeline some time. You may just be a bit surprised...and encouraged xxx

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! all true!!! you may not be everyone's cup of tea...but you're an amazing person!!! xxx
