One of my favourite things to do at Christmas time is go look at all the Christmas lights displays that are put up on houses around town. It was a tradition when I was younger; my whole family would would bundle up (as much as was necessary in a Toowoomba summer) and we would drive around town looking at prize winning light displays and my sis and I would have a back-seat competition to see who could spot the most christmas trees twinkling in the windows of houses as we drove past. I never did remember who won, but I do remember with such fond memories the time spent with my family. Now, as an adult, I still love seeing the houses lit up and looking at all the joy on the little kid's faces as they take in the magic of twinkling fairy lights and christmas music.
I was fortunate to be able to see Toowoomba's prize winning house this year, and they did not disappoint. A feast for the eyes, they had larger than life candy-canes, gingerbread men and Christmas puddings; singing Christmas trees serenaded the masses, a row of tin soldiers were spotted standing to attention, and a standout crowd favourite, a gingerbread man counting down the days until Christmas, by doing sit-ups! They had christmas trees galore and, my favourite, two nativity scenes, proclaiming the true meaning of the season. Congratulations guys, you did well.
Although the silly season is over for another year, I would challenge you to take the time, as a family, to go look at Christmas lights and invest in time as a family. You won't regret it.
Merry Christmas.
Even the Toowoomba City Hall got into the spirit of the season with lights and Christmas music |