Welcome to dee bee blue, where elegant simplicity reigns supreme.
Life is complicated and sometimes downright stressful at times. Time seems to hurtle faster and faster towards a coming time that flashes past our eyes before we can even recognise it has come and gone.
This is my haven in life's craziness. A safe, quiet place to ponder life, bake a cake, take a photo and spend some time just being. It is a place to just take a pause from the hectic pace of normal existence and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
I thought I'd introduce you to my kitchen favourites. You will all become well aquainted over the coming months.
Always a winner - Anything in donna hay blue! I love my timer...it is so much more fun than the microwave timer |
My gorgeous Jamie Oliver teatowels |
Loving the cupcake motifs too |
And my wonderful utensil holder from le k-mart :-) |
My sleek, razor sharp Mundial knives - a loved birthday gift from my gorgeous mummy |
The whisk - this is the business people. Will whip single pouring cream to butter in seconds (and a bit :-)) |
If you EVER have a chance to add one of these to your kitchen armament - run very fast people. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my Chasseur french oven. Did I say that enough? I LOVE IT! |
Black and white dogs. What can I say??? |
So there you go. This is going to be fun.
See ya!
Welcome to a new beginning! I love your kitchen 'stuff' and look forward to your ramblings...