Monday, 12 December 2011

What are you reading at the moment?

Here's what is on my bedside table (well they would be if I had one)...and eclectic mix for sure, but as they say, variety is the spice of life!

Food AND travel....what a perfect combination. I have a great desire to make that gingerbread house....
Making full use of the library! For a bookworm like me its the only way to go unless I want to spend half my income on books...I love Karen Kingsbury...easy to read, with an inspiration message. The male protagonists are pretty dreamy too.....and spoil us for real men :-) Although I do believe a Godly man is out there for me...

It took me ages to get into the Millenium series but now I"m there I can't put them down. Struggled with the first one a bit as it was pretty disturbing at the end, but the second and third have definitely made perservering through the series worth while. It's a shame there are only the three...
Not one for fantasy or science fiction this may be a strange choice. However I did say I'd read it so I thought I'd give it a chance to surprise me. The jury is still out...
Fascinating book! I love psychology and this book really looks at things in a different way and it is amazing how much I have gone 'aha! that makes perfect sense'. I am most definitely an oldest child :-) Readers, if you get a chance to read it, don't pass it up. I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

And lucky last, the books in my 'to read' pile...
Would love to hear what's on your reading list at the moment! As you can see, I need more book ideas :D


1 comment:

  1. have just finished Judy Nunn's 'Tiger Men'. Really enjoyed it. Went to a book signing a couple of weeks ago and thought she was a great speaker. Di Morrissey's 'The Opal Desert' is a recent I really want to visit Lightning Ridge. Next on the list I think, will be Shania Twain's biography.
    Went to Ray Martin's book signing last week and thought he was an awesome speaker...have not succumbed to the book yet though. Not enough hours in the day!!!
